"I let the waters rain down on me...
like the cold fingers of the past..."
"So Say We All" is the eagerly anticipated digital version of 2010's limited edition chapbook of eight poems from k.g. Sambrano, based on the final 5 episodes of one of the most popular programs ever—Battlestar Galactica.
" So Say We All" echoes the razor-sharp script writing and characterization of the tv series, as Sambrano delves into the psyches of the main characters exploring their strengths, loyalties and frailties with his unique use of language, irony and imagery.
Sambrano writes with depth, intrigue and emotional intuitiveness making 8 Poems of Hope a must for any lover of the written word.
So Say We All, 8 Poems of Hope
Based on the re-imagined TV series Battlestar Galactica

Fiction writer and poet, k.g. Sambrano returns with a second volume of essays on Donald Trump and what is arguably the authoritarian democracy over which he presides. Sambrano delves deep into an America under siege by change, power, and partisanship engulfing Capitol Hill, and affecting the daily lives of Americans and the world at large. This recent volume of contemporaneously written political essays leads to one unmistakable truth—Trump’s Modern America is no place for the meek.
Trump's Modern America—No Place for the Meek
Political Commentary
No Place for the Meek

"This was the year that Americans fought for America, unlike any other struggle in their recent history."
In his first work of non-fiction, Canadian novelist and poet, k.g. Sambrano keenly observes and scribes the phenomenon known as Donald J. Trump, and America’s struggle against his policies, his history, and often the man himself during his first 365 days in office.
Sambrano maintains his usual sparse, yet poignant style of writing most often seen in his works of literary fiction, now infused into this collection of political analysis and observation. Sambrano’s is the view from north of the 49th parallel or perhaps from across the “wall” for which Mexico has refused to pay.
Trump: The First 365 Days—America's Fight for America
Political Commentary

"I let the waters rain down on me...
like the cold fingers of the past..."
"So Say We All" is the eagerly anticipated chapbook of eight poems from k.g. Sambrano, based on the final five episodes of one of the most popular programs ever—Battlestar Galactica.
" So Say We All" echoes the razor-sharp script writing and characterization of the TV series, as Sambrano delves into the psyches of the main characters exploring their strengths, loyalties and frailties with his unique use of language, irony and imagery.
Sambrano writes with depth, intrigue and emotional intuitiveness making 8 Poems of Hope a must for any lover of the written word.
So Say We All, 8 Poems of Hope
Based on the re-imagined TV series Battlestar Galactica
...Powerful, sparse and poignant, Abbotsford Station unfolds as a map across the vast expanse of time and terrain …daring to remember us back to the promise of hope and dream...
Mary Elizabeth Grace

“This is poetry that persists. Poetry down-to-the-wire. Poetry
when you thought no poetry could possibly arrive.”
Robert Priest

Sambrano’s narrative is clean and sparse and effectively communicates the tension and pathos of a western style.
The Excalibur, York University

Enjoyable book…[I think] too little attention to this aspect of our cultural memory has received attention.
M. T. Kelly
Governor General's Award Winner

Some journeys last a lifetime....
k.g. Sambrano takes us on a journey, the voyage of rediscovery of land, self and the timelessness of memory. Powerful, sparse, and poignant, Abbotsford Station unfolds as a map across the vast expanse of time and terrain… daring to remember us back to the promise of dream.
Sambrano's second book, Abbotsford Station is based on a series of handwritten notes, thoughts and impressions kept in Sambrano's personal journal as he traversed Canada from Ontario to British Columbia. Planes, trains, and automobiles connect much of the work, along with the splendour of the Canadian landscape. Handwritten letters, poetry and photographs. Also Includes a mini-cd rom containing short stories.
Abbotsford Station: The Voyage of Rediscovery
Poetry | Journal

10 years ago Calvin Wilkes rode into Silver City. In 1993 k.g. Sambrano's first book, The Killing of Jack Little, rose to critical acclaim as the quintessential poetic Western of our generation. As the title suggests, Lawman Jack Little indeed dies, but the true story is how and why. It is a realistic, yet poignant portrait of pride, honour and the inevitability of certain events. Come take the journey again!
The Killing of Jack Little, Lawman, Silver City, Alberta
10th anniversary edition

"A wanted man waits for a train in a small town. "
A small town lawman confronts the wanted man. This formulaic Western plot is immediately familiar to a North American audience. Even the cast of characters is implied; maybe you envision Billy the Kid and Pat Garret; Jesse James; or any lesser American bad guy/hero who has been immortalized by John Wayne or Eastwood.
Sambrano has written a narrative poem about the Canadian West set in Silver City, Alberta in 1881. "Sambrano's narrative is clean and sparse, and effectively communicates the tension and pathos of a Western style." As the title suggests, Lawman Jack Little indeed dies, but the true story is how and why.
The Killing of Jack Little, Lawman, Silver City, Alberta